What We Do

Protecting Leopards and Biodiversity Across South Africa’s Diverse Landscapes


Our mission is clear: to protect and conserve leopard and biodiversity in South Africa’s Eastern, Western, and Northern Cape. With a comprehensive approach that blends rescue operations, environmental education and advocacy we are dedicated to ensuring a sustainable future for these iconic predators.


Our Approach


Rescue and Rehabilitation: Our team is on the frontlines, responding swiftly to rescue calls and providing critical support to leopards in distress. Since 2004, we have successfully rescued and rehabilitated 73 leopards (and counting) that would otherwise have been killed, giving them a second chance at life in the wild.

Innovative Technology: Central to our efforts is the use of satellite tracking collars, which serve dual purposes: protection and conservation. These collars enable us to track leopard movements, gather vital data on their behaviour, and respond effectively to instances of human-wildlife conflict. These collars automatically fall off without having to handle them and don’t impair the animals in undertaking their activities. What they provide is a great depth of insight to what drives and threatens leopards allowing us to use these data to conserve the species.

Mitigating Human-Wildlife Conflict: By deploying collars, we can accurately document instances of livestock predation by leopards. This data not only aids in compensation processes for affected farmers but also promotes the adoption of non-lethal methods for livestock protection, fostering peaceful coexistence between humans and leopards.

Preserving Habitat: The data collected from collars provides crucial insights into leopard behaviour and territorial ranges. This information helps us identify key habitats and corridors essential for the survival of leopard populations. By focusing our conservation efforts in these areas, we can ensure the long-term genetic diversity and viability of these magnificent predators.

Environmental Education
Our environmental education initiatives are guided by four core objectives: developing values, attitudes, knowledge, and skills. Through a holistic approach, we aim to cultivate a sense of responsibility and stewardship towards the environment while equipping individuals with the tools to effect positive change in their communities.

Biodiversity Governance
Landmark Foundation advocates for the implementation of ecologically and ethically acceptable management methods to address the pressing challenges facing South Africa’s biodiversity. With less than 20% of the country under conservation and species extinction rates accelerating, there is an urgent need to prioritize the conservation of natural resources while supporting sustainable economic activities.
Our advocacy efforts focus on promoting standards for predator management that prioritize the health of ecosystems and the conservation of endangered species. We emphasize the use of holistic management approaches that incorporate a variety of methods, including guardian animals, protective livestock collars, alarm systems, and barrier methods. These strategies, when applied in combination as part of an adaptive management plan, have demonstrated improved production and higher financial returns for agricultural activities.

Through advocacy and collaboration, we strive to build economies that balance the needs of both humans and wildlife, ensuring a sustainable future for all.

Join Us in Our Mission
Your support is vital in our ongoing efforts to protect and preserve leopard populations across South Africa. Whether through donations, volunteering, or spreading awareness, together, we can make a difference in securing a brighter future for leopards and the ecosystems they inhabit. Join us in our mission today, click here on how to help.